Thursday, March 20, 2008

T-Shirt Progress

People have asked what we did with the money from the summer of code last year. Well... we are using it to print up some BZFlag T-shirts.

They are being printed now and will be sold on the BZFlag Online Store when they are ready.

I would like to thank saturos again for his most excellent design.

Monday, March 17, 2008

We are In!

BZFlag has is proud to have been officially accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of code program. We look forward to working with both the students and other mentoring organizations.

Students wishing to participate should look at our SoC2008 wiki page, specifically the Ideas Page. They should also be sure to read the Program FAQ that has been provided by Google.

Good luck to everyone.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Application Guidelines

I've prepared a list of submission guidelines for applicants that should hopefully improve the quality of applications we receive this year.  The guidelines are pretty applicable to all projects but hopefully give a better starting point than we gave last year since we (intentionally) don't use an application template.

The application guidelines are available here: 

Sunday, March 2, 2008

2008 Google Summer of Code promotional flyers

In order to get the word out again regarding our (anticipated) participation in the 2008 Google Summer of Code again like last year, there is a really awesome promotional flyer available thanks to our very own Saturos graphic artist extraordinaire:

More details to be posted later (presuming we are accepted), but feel free to post the flyer around local universities and colleges in the meantime.  There are translations presently available in German and Spanish thanks to whodaman and Manu respectively, and be sure to thank Saturos for the great design if you see him around!