Since BZFlag has full intent to apply as a mentoring org. again this year, we thought it would be appropriate to share some tips and pointers to some of the newer participants.
Be nice to the Google staff. Under no circumstances should you address them using slang terms for reproductive organs. It does not work. Trust us on this.
Be the FIRST org to return with beer and spirits at the mentor summit party. We personally believe this is a key factor.
Don't bag on the web apps Google provides. We meet the web guy and he's seriously busting his ass to do what he can.
Promote your project to hell and back. Perhaps con, umm I mean persuade people to slather a bitchen poster all over college campuses. Remember the students pick you, not the other way around.
Get started dredging your developers for prospective mentors, and get them involved in your planing process. Cattle prods work wonders.
Get your user base ready so it won't scare off any potential students. Chain your trolls, clean up your noobs, polish your topics, and for the love of god people, do not go all freaky when a girl shows up, she's probably smarter then you.
Register your project with CIA so you can get stats and RSS feeds about your commits. Everyone loves seein' their name scroll by in 10pt, courier.
Sacrifice your beloved bottle opener to the great Google goods at the aforementioned mentor party. (I'll miss you little buddy... I'm sure your in a better place now, or the pool filter.... oh man...I promised myself I wouldn't cry)